
The Picoway laser by Candela, named after its high-intensity and speed which is measured in picoseconds, allows for fast and safe skin treatments that are effective with little to no downtime. Traditional lasers produce photothermal effect to breakdown pigments, which can cause skin heating and damage to the surrounding tissue.

The Picoway system delivers short-pulsed durations in picoseconds (one trillionth of a second) that produce a nonthermal photoacoustic effect, a mechanical force that breaks down the pigments under the skin into microscopic particles which are metabolized by your body’s white blood cells. It can also promote the production of new collagen in the treated area, allowing for acne scars, fine lines and wrinkles to smooth out. The Picoway system uses a gentle approach to eliminate pigments and build new collagen and elastin. It causes minimal pain and essentially no downtime. Common indications for Picoway include but not limited to benign pigmented lesions, fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars, skin toning, pore reduction, and tattoo removal.

At Willamette Skin Care Center, Picoway treatment will be performed by Dr. Wang. Please schedule a free consultation session with Dr. Wang to leverage laser technology for your skin rejuvenation. 



PICOWAY 是一种具有高峰值功率和超短脉冲持续时间的皮秒激光.它到达皮肤表面以下,以针对黑色素,并将其分解成肉眼几乎看不见的微小颗粒。PICOWAY 是获得美国FDA,欧盟CE 以及CFDA 的全部认证。

Picoway,出身名门美国赛诺龙的皮秒激光仪器,通过欧盟CE 认证、美国FDA 认证、中国CFDA 认证,是全球首例唯一三波长美容激光(532nm &785nm&1064nm)。

Picoway 最大的特点是可以一举多得。 您可以在一次疗程内达到多种不同的效果,  例如:去黄气、美白嫩肤、祛除各类色斑、祛除纹身色素、祛痘印、缩小毛孔、淡化细纹、均匀肤色、急速改善肤质粗糙、都在这个超皮秒 的「射程」范围之内。


皮秒是个时间单位,1 秒=1 万亿皮秒在1 个皮秒的时间里,真空中光也只能走3 毫米…超皮秒激光速度越快,产生的瞬间能量越大,爆破能力越强。这一点超皮秒比传统激光显然更胜一筹,因此在治疗色素和纹身时,超皮秒激光粉碎后形成的色素和纹身颗粒更小,更容易被代谢出体外。在达到相同治疗效果的同时可以选择更低的能量,直接减少治疗的时间和次数,减低疼痛感,降低皮肤返黑风险!!!!!

在美国,只有PICOWAY 超皮秒才有FDA 的认证!

PICOWAY 超皮秒的优势

● 跟一般激光保养相比,PicoWay 超皮秒激光单次治疗效果明显;黑色素清除速度更快。相对于皮秒, 超皮秒的激光速度更快, 产生的瞬间能量大, 当激光的速度快到一定程度, 它的精准度得到了很大提高, 在最短的时间之内到达目标的黑色素区域, 对周边皮肤组织的伤害降至最低。

● 超皮秒是目前市面上唯一能够实现以最短脉冲持续时间实现高峰值功率的激光设备。全息衍射点阵技术可以将超皮秒的激光光束聚焦,形成有序的阵列,均匀分散作用于皮肤和皮下组织,达到胶原蛋白和弹力纤维的再生,从而起到嫩肤,除皱,抗衰的功效。

Results 治疗效果

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